Control the Present
Plan and provide for the Future

Let’s take the first step together and help you build your presence.

One Step Ahead

Our Expertise

TCAF Business Service Provider offers valuable services aiming towards building business trust and long standing relationships.

We specialise on the formation, administration, and management of companies, provision of tax and business consultations and banking support and immigration services.

Our Sevices


Our tax experts will assist you at Corporate and Individual Level in addressing your demanding Tax Planning needs.

Administration & Accounting

Administration of company’s bank accounts, handling of invoices and bookkeeping.


Our tax experts will assist you on a monthly basis for the demanding needs of your payroll at corporate and individual level.


Our legal associates will assist you during the ongoing operations of your company.


By developing proper long term objectives, tailored made strategies and improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of companies operations, we assist businesses to grow, succeed and become profitable.

Relocating to Cyprus

EU Member

Cyprus s a member of the European Union having access to a single market and customs union.

Tax Haven

Lower rate of tax in comparison to other countries.


Amazing weather all year round.

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One Of Our Consultants

15 Years of Professional Experience